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wanchao 2024-04-02 23


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Day 1

Start your day early and head to the famous Silk Road street, Shazhou Night Market. This bustling street is filled with colorful lights, unique snacks, and traditional crafts. Be sure to try the delicious roujiamo (Chinese hamburger), skewered meats, and local-style fast food. After filling your stomach, visit the Bell and Drum Tower, two iconic landmarks of the city.

In the afternoon, visit the Mogao Caves, a World Heritage site that houses some of the world's finest examples of Buddhist art. The caves contain more than 2,000 sculptures and 45,000 square meters of murals. You can take a guided tour or explore on your own.

In the evening, take a stroll along the Danghe River and enjoy the night view of the city. The colorful lights and the reflection of the buildings on the water create a beautiful scene. Don't forget to try some local snacks from the street vendors along the river.

Day 2

Start your day with a visit to the Dunhuang Museum, which showcases the cultural and historical relics of the region. Here you can learn about the Silk Road, historical figures, and the local culture.


Next, head to the Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Lake Scenic Area. The sand dunes here are known for creating a pleasing sound when the wind blows over them, hence the name "singing sand dunes". The crescent-shaped lake provides a stunning contrast to the surrounding desert landscape. You can take a camel ride or slide down the sand dunes for some fun.

In the evening, head to the Shazhou Night Market again for some more street food and souvenir shopping. You can find everything from traditional handicrafts to trendy clothing items.

Day 3

Start your day with a visit to the Yulin Thousand Buddha Caves, another World Heritage site. The caves contain more than 3,000 Buddha statues and over 2,000 square meters of murals, dating back to the Tang and Five Dynasties periods.

In the afternoon, visit the Western Thousand Buddha Caves. This site is known for its unique features, such as giant Buddha statues, stone carvings, and the blending of Chinese and Western cultures. You can marvel at the intricacy of the Buddhist art and architecture and learn about the historical interactions between China and the West.

In the evening, enjoy a delicious meal of local delicacies, such as Dunhuang-style noodles, stewed lamb with carrots, and crispy sesame cakes. You can also attend a cultural performance, such as a traditional dance or music show, to complete your Dunhuang experience.

Overall, Dunhuang offers a unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty. With two full days and three nights, you can explore the best of the city and create unforgettable memories.




热门景点推荐 2024-09-22 阅读3 评论0