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wanchao 2024-04-16 37


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NanYang city is a historical and cultural city with many ancient relics. It is a city you should visit when you have the time. Here are some of the best places to visit in Nanyang:

1. 卧虎山( Mount Wohu)

卧虎山 is famous for the ancient stories of the famous Chinese scholar, strategist, and philosopher ZhuGeliang, who was also known as Kongming. This mountain is located about 20 kilometers from the downtown area of Nanyang.

The mountain has many attractions, including the Wohu Mountain Scenic Area. There is also a museum located here, which is dedicated to the famous scholar, Kongming. The museum has many exhibits, which includes the story of the Three Kingdoms, which was an era of Chinese history that Kongming played a significant role in.

The other attractions on this mountain include the Wohu Temple, the Damao Stone, and the famous Kongming Corridor, which is a long corridor decorated with many calligraphic works and paintings depicting his life story.

2. 邓良铭祠堂(Deng Liangming Temple)

The Deng Liangming Temple is one of the most important religious sites in Nanyang city. It is a Taoist temple, which was built in memory of the famous Taoist master Deng Liangming.

This temple is located in the downtown area of Nanyang city and is surrounded by many other ancient relics, including the Nanyang City Wall and the Ancient Han Dynasty Tombs. The temple is famous for its rich cultural and historical heritage.

Visitors can explore the temple's complex, which includes many halls, courtyards, and pavilions. The Deng Liangming Temple is also home to many cultural and religious relics, including statues of Taoist deities and calligraphy works.

3. 南召石门(Nanzhao Shimen)

南召石门, also known as Nanzhao Shimen, is a famous scenic spot just outside of Nanyang city. It is located along the border of the Henan and Hubei provinces.

The Nanzhao Shimen is a limestone mountain that was shaped by the flow of the Shahe River. The scenic spot is famous for its picturesque waterfall, which is over twenty meters high. There are also many ancient temples, caves, and pavilions located on the mountain, making it a popular site for tourists and adventurers alike.


Visitors to the Nanzhao Shimen can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, and exploring the various scenic spots along the way. The scenery here is stunning, especially during the autumn months when the trees turn golden and red.

4. 神农架(Shennongjia)

神农架 is a nature reserve located near Nanyang city. It is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, abundant plant and animal life, and historical sites.

The area is home to many rare and endangered species of animals, including giant pandas, golden monkeys, and snow leopards. There are also many natural sites to visit, including the Shennongjing Gorge 合肥市区景点 and the Shennong Altar. These sites are steeped in ancient Chinese mythology and are culturally significant.

Visitors to the area can enjoy many outdoor activities, including camping, hiking, and wildlife watching. There are many accommodation options available, including hotels and camping grounds.

5. 马踏飞燕(Matafeiyan)

马踏飞燕 is a historical site located just outside of Nanyang city. It is a famous tomb of an ancient Chinese emperor, Liu Bang, who was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The tomb complex is known for its beautiful artwork, including murals and carvings depicting scenes from ancient Chinese mythology and traditions. Visitors can explore the tomb chambers and admire the artwork while learning about the history and culture of the Han Dynasty.

The site is also surrounded by 台州附近景点 beautiful parklands, making it an ideal spot for picnics and outdoor activities.


Nanyang city has many historical and cultural attractions, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. The above are just a few of the many sights to see in this ancient city, and there are many more to discover. Whether you enjoy exploring ancient relics, natural landscapes, or cultural sites, Nanyang city has something for everyone.




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